Author Index

Michael Marshall Smith (7 books, £45.93, 2,983 pages)

Copyright Format Type Publisher ISBN Pages Price Rating
Only Forward
1994 Paper Book Harper Collins 0586217746 455 4.99 Excellent
1996 Paper Book Harper Collins 0586217754 305 5.99 Excellent
One of Us
1998 Paper Book Harper Collins 000649997X 307 6.99 Good
What You Make It
1999 Paper Short Stories Harper Collins 0006510078 400 6.99 Excellent
The Straw Men
2002 Paper Book Harper Collins 0006499988 484 6.99 Excellent
Cotemporary thriller, and very well done
The Lonely Dead
2004 Paper Book Harper Collins 0007163959 485 6.99 Excellent
Straw Men 2
Blood of Angles
2005 Paper Book Harper Collins 0007163975 547 6.99 Good
Straw Men 3 - OK enough now, you probably only really need to read the first book